hanya kekuatan yang ku pohon dari mu.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
late already
the tajuk is about the time. its already 0457am but i cant even close my eyes for a second. yes. in other simple words, i cant sleep.
today is the lastday 0f 2009. too many things happened tiz yerz. bad thingy & gud things.
this yers start with a smile. i have my frens* everisecond* by my side. the pund, yes, guys i mishh all of u a lots. i dunno y. & i really appreciates all of u & all the memories that we've created togetha. and as i said. our frenship will aweys in my hearts. all of u have been my great2 bros & papa. thanks guyzz.
next, we're doing a mini holiday togtha, and there, i met my man. which is now is my otha half. 9 years we're not met, we've met there. on my vacation with my buddies. till know, u're aweys by my side. there're a several thingy jadi halangan bfore i'm totally yours on 230609. thats the sweet day in my life, and for that, i am greatly thankful being ur gurl and i want u to know that im proud to be urs syg. and. i wanna to be urs foreva. amin~
then, i was also admitted to ospital several times thiz yez. it's like a record in my family members .;p and i dun wan to go there nemore. no more. *wink*wink* insyaAllah
there're also sumthing interfered in my family's buznezz which alreadi settled. and thank God for that. *let it be just a secret of my family* alhamdulillah~
i think thats all the sweetest and a bit salty thingy this years.
welcome 2010
well, happy new year guyz.!!
+_+ yebbit + . + at 4:58 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
bertanyakan tentang memori
"staun setengah kot, eh. 2 taun"
"ermmm. :("
"kitekan selama2nya"
.i knw u r the one who wil aweys make me smile.
terima kasih cinta
+_+ yebbit + . + at 5:31 PM 2 comments

again bday wish.:)
to my syg cousyy.!
along, ayong nak wish epi bestday to along.! semoga hari2 tua mu semakin bahagiaa bersama abang & kas *ayong je bley panggel camtu*. ehehe. :p
u r the beshh kakak dat i had.! luv u oweyss.!
+_+ yebbit + . + at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
pertama kalinya
mempersembahkan pada semua.
masakan aku yang pertama tanpa bantuan sesiapa ponnn.!
sila terkejoot & berbangga dengan aku. :p
+_+ yebbit + . + at 4:09 PM 4 comments

- hope u get what u wish for
- wishing u the very best on your birthday.!
- cubalah kurangkan kegilan & kekerasan kepala itu ye.
+_+ yebbit + . + at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
+ family outing+
since kami semua dae kat uma. kami semua akan keluar berjalan2 bersama and spend time yang ade as much as available. ;)
since angah sedang geygeyh di matrikulasi. while aku & abg stay at shah alam. so, bila semua cuti. kami akan kluar togtha. buat activity bersama.

+_+ yebbit + . + at 11:31 PM 0 comments
:: backdated ::
dah terlambat?
skrgg baru terasaa mau hupdate blog ngan beshnye. ;)
as everiyear, family en rohizat akan mngambil bahagian untuk korban di masjid berdekatan.
jadi di hari yang mulia ini. anak2 en Rohizat akan bangon lantas menyiapkan diri untuk ke masjid ;)
selamat bdelated hari raye aidiladha. :p
jadi nikmatilah juadah gambar di bawah. weeeee~

2. adeq stay cni je papa. xmolah dekat2.
3. sini. papa ade kat adeq ne.
4. papa. hug adeq tau.
5. ishh. takooooot. ;(

papa: ishh mama. papa je yang ensem di mata mama.
+_+ yebbit + . + at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 29, 2009
i am me.
biarlah aku cuma menjadi aku.
perlu ke aku mintak permission from sum1 to be me?
i dun think so.
perlu ke aku vogue tuk jadi diri aku.
harap maaf kepada yang tidak mengenali aku.
i am a simple girl.
who dun need make up.
who dun need a compact powder in my bag.
who just wear a shirt and a jeans.
who just being me myself.
i am happy with the way i am.
lantaklaa nak jadikan aku bahan gosip or anethin. like i care. just shuhhh. go awayyy.
+_+ yebbit + . + at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
bah atau banjir.

+_+ yebbit + . + at 5:16 PM 1 comments
bila dah duk rumah. nak mngadap latop is sumthin yang takde dalam senarai. huhu. so. aku jarang hupdate my blog like what i aweys do. banyak gak cerita yang nak kena hupdate.
+_+ yebbit + . + at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
jika benar dia adalah untukku, maka dekatkan dia untuk ku
Ya Allah.
Buka kan hatinya untuk diriku.
Ya Rabbul Jalal,
hanya padaMu tempat ku mengadu dan merintih.
Amin Ya Rabbal A'lamin"
+_+ yebbit + . + at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009

+_+ yebbit + . + at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
special request ;p
good luck buat shayang mucukk daku yang akan amek last paper tis 12 nov 2009, which is the last paper for his final sem
+_+ yebbit + . + at 5:06 AM 2 comments
nota tambahan *buat shazrina chantek, good luck tuk paper ko jap g. u can do it babe. mwahhh.!*
+_+ yebbit + . + at 4:51 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
lambatnye around 930.
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ;)
+_+ yebbit + . + at 12:46 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
karma itu ada.
kete aku d scratchh trukk ari ne.
b*** f*** b*****!!
ko jgn igt nati ko nye kete xkan kena balikk.!
+_+ yebbit + . + at 2:03 PM 0 comments
bukan senang~
aku selalu cakap kat kawan aku.
jangan simpan. luahkan ape yang ko rase.
bgtau ape yang ko simpan.
tapi. jauh di sudut hati aku. aku tau.
bukan senang untuk meluahkan. bukan senang tuk jadikan ape yang terbuku kat hati sebagai 1 ayat.
jadi menyimpannya adalah leih senang walaupun pada hakikat.
luka semakin dalam.
+_+ yebbit + . + at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
thanks for menBABIkan aku.!!
kenapa ko nak buat aku jadi tensyen hanya kerana rm500 tu. nahh.! sila lah amek duet ko tu sekarangg pon bolehh. tapi ngan papa aku. mesti ko tak berani kan.?
aku tak bsalah lahhh. ok2 aku bersalah gakk. tapi jangan la tunjuk kat aku the way yang salah. like calling me BABI.? nati one day, jgn tanye kenapa. ade org kol anak ko. n cakap babi babi. like what u did to me. i believe in KARMA.! what goes around comes around.
+_+ yebbit + . + at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
tekanan equal to tension same dengan stresssss.!
adoii. satu malam, 2 assignment. got the both of the questions around 10pm sumthin'. n i need to finish it by tommorow morning. nak print lagiiii. arghhhhhhhhhhhhh. kenapakah.?
bila aku boley study for final ne.???????????
saya perlu kamu.
saya mahu kamu.
saya nakkan kamu.

+_+ yebbit + . + at 12:36 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
hanya aboo. ;)
eheeh. aboo adalah seeokor kucing. *pemiliknya adalah shazrina c chantek*wahhh. seekor kucing. terkejott kn.? ahahaha. aku dah berjaya memeluk kucing. dah berjaya bermain dengan kucingg. ahaha. dah berjaya.! mule2 aku geli lagi. takot2 gak. tapi aboo baik je. duk dyam2. teman aku malam tu. baikk sgt. aku mula jatuh cinta dgn kucingg.
hanya aboo.! ;)

+_+ yebbit + . + at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
shake ur bon-bon
ahahaha. besh2.
karoks session.
melepaskan tensi di kala memikirkan final yang bakal menjelma.
p/s: i miss u bumblebee. how i wish u were here.
+_+ yebbit + . + at 4:37 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
senyum or sad.?
uwaaaaaaaaaaa. canne aku nak jeritt sekuat ati yerkk. adussssss. aku nye timetable for final exam alreadi kluar. dah abes mase tuk maen2. expired dah. i need support from all.!
wishh me luckk.!
walaupon jadual aku ade gap. tapi 1st paper start amatlah awal.
25th oct - jurisprudence 1
1st nov - insurance II
6th nov - international law 1
10th nov - association
13th nov - family II
wish me luckk.!
+_+ yebbit + . + at 11:39 PM 5 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
mishh my syurga
jarang aku dapat penyakit ne tapi tis week aku teramat sangatlah rindukan my mum & adeq2 (my papa selalu ade sini so aweys jumpe him here) rindukan umah aku. dunno y. this week. hidup aku tak tenang. cam aweys ade sumthing yang aku rase tak kena. feel lonely. my bro cakap myb bcuz of last week aby aweys ade by my side and then he balik tu his uni kat penang. maybe betol jugak. dats y aku rase cam lonely. whateva pon im going home tonyte. nak balik syurgaku. tenangkan diri. doakan aku mampu tenang di sana ;)
mama, natikan kepulangan along. hurayyyyy.!
+_+ yebbit + . + at 5:47 PM 0 comments
masalah teknikal :)
nizi shazril.
anakmu ini ingin mohon sejuta kemaafan tau kat papa cus xpi open house & wish bday lambat. ampun pa.!
selamat hari tua tuk papa.
buat the pun'd, walaupon kte dah sangat jarang bersua muke. korang tetap kat hati. persahabatan kite tetap kukuh kat hati ne. korang tetap diingatan walau di mana saje korang berada. aku doakan kejayaan korang sume & oso. doakan me juge ye. ;)
+_+ yebbit + . + at 12:46 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
+100 days being urs+
tempat : kiara park
jam : 12++ midnyte
date : 1/10/09

When u say u love me, the world stops for a moment, the stars stop shining, the moon stops glowing, the earth stops breathing, all that's alive is our love
I really fall in luff with u.
and my heart is totally yours.
+_+ yebbit + . + at 11:28 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
*hapi eidulfitri*
kesempatan ni. yebbit nak ucapkan selamat hari raya to umat islam yang cukup puasa sahaja. ;p
dan juga spesel wish raya to :
my family yang terlalu amat disayangi
- papa
- mama
- abang
- angah
- achik
- ateh
- adeq
the pun'd yang alweys di ingatan
- papa
- cha cha
- boobs
- atem
+_+ yebbit + . + at 10:21 AM 4 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
bershopping raya with him <3
venue : midvalley
time : 2 sumthpm ~ 7pm sumthing
date : 170909
me n aby dengan kononnye nak gerak di awal pagi akhirnye dgn successnye sampai lam 2pm sumthing lat mid.dgn halfway yang agak jem. kitorg gigih gak pergi ke mid. ;) kami takla shopping secara sakan kerana ne dah di kira shoppping yang ke berapa kali dah for raye. we just jenjalan sambil melengkapkan keperluan raya. which are kami masih mau mencari seluar for raya. ;p
aby dgn tabahnye melayan aku kesana & kemari. * thanks sgt2 chentaku * nak kate jalan the whole mid pon. xla jugakk. tapi hampir half of the mid tu ktorgg tawaf. dari satu outlet ke satu outlet aku duk pilih seluar, tapi susah gak nak dpt approval dr aby. ;) aby ckp no, so aku kna carik yang lain. ;)
then afta aku dah dapat seluar. we go buy aby nye levi's lak. then kami pulangg. ;)
p/s : cant wait to raya with my chenta. luv u aweysssss.! cokmo.!
+_+ yebbit + . + at 8:28 PM 2 comments
secara ringkas
dah expired date pon story ne. but i have no time to update my blog secara sistematik. just nak story bout berbuka puase with anak2 yatim at concorde shah alam. me + bro + papa. ;)
but i dun think its a story. just a gambas. ;)
+_+ yebbit + . + at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 31, 2009
di manakahhh.?
jgn haraplah akan ade sesuatu itu.
penat dah aku carik.
semua tempat dah aku selinap.
semua laci dah aku bukak.
tapi tetap jugak tidakk hade.
where is it.?
datanglah wahai penebuk lubanggg.!
aku nak reorganise all my notes.
+_+ yebbit + . + at 10:53 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
emm shedaapppnye :)
it;s not the juadah for berbuka puasa but lebih kepada sumthin' tuk di kunyah ketika menonton TB. ;) i loooiiiikkkeeee.
p/s: me bangga cuz dah ade perasaan mau jengukk ke dapur. kalo the pun'd tau mesti xcaya kn.? yess guys. adeq mu skrangg dah rajenn sikit. tapi sikit je laaa. ahahah. :) *doa2lah aku nye kerajinan meningkat* ;)
+_+ yebbit + . + at 6:30 PM 0 comments