hanya kekuatan yang ku pohon dari mu.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
late already
the tajuk is about the time. its already 0457am but i cant even close my eyes for a second. yes. in other simple words, i cant sleep.
today is the lastday 0f 2009. too many things happened tiz yerz. bad thingy & gud things.
this yers start with a smile. i have my frens* everisecond* by my side. the pund, yes, guys i mishh all of u a lots. i dunno y. & i really appreciates all of u & all the memories that we've created togetha. and as i said. our frenship will aweys in my hearts. all of u have been my great2 bros & papa. thanks guyzz.
next, we're doing a mini holiday togtha, and there, i met my man. which is now is my otha half. 9 years we're not met, we've met there. on my vacation with my buddies. till know, u're aweys by my side. there're a several thingy jadi halangan bfore i'm totally yours on 230609. thats the sweet day in my life, and for that, i am greatly thankful being ur gurl and i want u to know that im proud to be urs syg. and. i wanna to be urs foreva. amin~
then, i was also admitted to ospital several times thiz yez. it's like a record in my family members .;p and i dun wan to go there nemore. no more. *wink*wink* insyaAllah
there're also sumthing interfered in my family's buznezz which alreadi settled. and thank God for that. *let it be just a secret of my family* alhamdulillah~
i think thats all the sweetest and a bit salty thingy this years.
welcome 2010
well, happy new year guyz.!!
+_+ yebbit + . + at 4:58 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
bertanyakan tentang memori
"staun setengah kot, eh. 2 taun"
"ermmm. :("
"kitekan selama2nya"
.i knw u r the one who wil aweys make me smile.
terima kasih cinta
+_+ yebbit + . + at 5:31 PM 2 comments

again bday wish.:)
to my syg cousyy.!
along, ayong nak wish epi bestday to along.! semoga hari2 tua mu semakin bahagiaa bersama abang & kas *ayong je bley panggel camtu*. ehehe. :p
u r the beshh kakak dat i had.! luv u oweyss.!
+_+ yebbit + . + at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
pertama kalinya
mempersembahkan pada semua.
masakan aku yang pertama tanpa bantuan sesiapa ponnn.!
sila terkejoot & berbangga dengan aku. :p
+_+ yebbit + . + at 4:09 PM 4 comments

- hope u get what u wish for
- wishing u the very best on your birthday.!
- cubalah kurangkan kegilan & kekerasan kepala itu ye.
+_+ yebbit + . + at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
+ family outing+
since kami semua dae kat uma. kami semua akan keluar berjalan2 bersama and spend time yang ade as much as available. ;)
since angah sedang geygeyh di matrikulasi. while aku & abg stay at shah alam. so, bila semua cuti. kami akan kluar togtha. buat activity bersama.

+_+ yebbit + . + at 11:31 PM 0 comments
:: backdated ::
dah terlambat?
skrgg baru terasaa mau hupdate blog ngan beshnye. ;)
as everiyear, family en rohizat akan mngambil bahagian untuk korban di masjid berdekatan.
jadi di hari yang mulia ini. anak2 en Rohizat akan bangon lantas menyiapkan diri untuk ke masjid ;)
selamat bdelated hari raye aidiladha. :p
jadi nikmatilah juadah gambar di bawah. weeeee~

2. adeq stay cni je papa. xmolah dekat2.
3. sini. papa ade kat adeq ne.
4. papa. hug adeq tau.
5. ishh. takooooot. ;(

papa: ishh mama. papa je yang ensem di mata mama.
+_+ yebbit + . + at 10:45 PM 0 comments